Custom DQL Query Result is Always Empty

Cool, yes that works :slight_smile:

But why does func: uid(0x2,0x3) not work then? This also returns an array (I even added another person, so in my DB there is now also a person with UID 0x3 and still the query with func: uid(0x2,0x3) is empty.

What I actually want to achieve, is to pass a list of uids to the DQL, as in this post.

So this is my schema with DQL:

POST http://localhost:8080/admin/schema

type Person {
  id: ID!
  firstName: String!
  lastName: String!

type Query {
  queryPersonCustom(ids: String!) : [Person] @custom(dql: """
    query q($ids : string) {
      queryPersonCustom(func: uid($ids)) {
        id : uid
        firstName : Person.firstName
        lastName : Person.lastName

and this is my concrete request:

POST http://localhost:8080/graphql
Content-Type: application/graphql

query {
  queryPersonCustom(ids: "[0x2,0x3]") {

Again, the result is empty :frowning: