DQL with Apollo Client

Hi Anthony,
Yes, we do receive DQL from a web client. Direct DQL queries from the web.
I appreciate the concern. Thank you for the input.

I read your article with this opinion before, however, I would argue that like most things in software engineering, it depends. I think it is helpful for many readers, as it speaks to users that are using out-of-the-shelf solutions. It just might not apply to some others. To maybe bring some extra clarity with an allegoric example, think that it is possible at this age to build SQL queries on a web client, press “run”, and get results, e.g. Google BigQuery or Tableau.

Finally, it isn’t a concern for our team. We don’t directly push those DQL messages to a Dgraph host, we communicate with a backend application that proxy those requests, doing multiple things while the message is being proxied.
This thread isn’t meant to talk about this tho, thus if you are curious about further details, I’d suggest engaging in this conversation and asking any questions you would like.