Issue JWT from lambda

Sorry for the late response. I was a little occupied in the last few months.
I have been working on the project again and made a lot of breaking changes as you can see here Lambda Server in Go - #7 by Schartey

I would be really glad if you could leave some feedback if you end up using the library. I have still a lot of testing to do, but the basic features should be working fine as I am also using it in my own project.

In terms of JWT generation, here is an example when using my lambda server:


type AuthResponse  @generate(
    query: {
        get: false,
        query: false,
        aggregate: false
    mutation: {
        add: false,
        delete: false
    subscription: false
) {
    user: User
    token: String
    expiration: DateTime

type Mutation {
    login(username: String, password: String): AuthResponse! @lambda

JWT generation in generated login mutation resolver using

func (q *MutationResolver) Mutation_login(ctx context.Context, username string, password string, authHeader api.AuthHeader) (*model.AuthResponse, *api.LambdaError) {
	expiration := time.Now().Add(time.Minute * 15)
	atClaims := jwt.MapClaims{}
	atClaims["exp"] = expiration.Unix()
	atClaims["authenticated"] = "true" // Make this a string for authorization rules in dgraph

	user, err := ... // Query the user
	if err != nil {
		return nil, &api.LambdaError{Underlying: err, Status: api.NOT_FOUND}

	token, err := at.SignedString([]byte("secret"))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, &api.LambdaError{Underlying: err, Status: api.INTERNAL_ERROR}
	return &model.AuthResponse{User: user, Token: token, Expiration: &expiration}, nil

This is quickly copied together, there might be some errors, but it should be enough to get going.