The infer of --lru_mb flag giving wrong value and breaking the cluster (on helm)

So what was changed? I have used it a few weeks ago. What exactly changed to trigger this? makes no sense. I have used it in Rancher.

By checking the older versions I can see that --lru_mb {{ .Values.alpha.lru_mb }} still there. It wasn’t removed. Can you tell in which moment the Helm repo wasn’t with the LRU flag? And as it was with it, why it returns -1.000000?

Ahh I see it was this PR Dgraph configuration file support by darkn3rd · Pull Request #40 · dgraph-io/charts · GitHub
I see that you removed the lru_mb from the command line. But anyway there is still an issue. Even if you remove that flag Dgraph should automatically add the 25% of RAM in the machine.

BTW, There’s no issue with Sentry. The issue is about the -1.000000 only. See the my last comment at LRU memory in Alpha server by default set to a negative value in MacOS

This one LRU memory in Alpha server by default set to a negative value in MacOS